Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sabriel, by Garth Nix

The story starts off with a girl living in a boarding school and soon after you see that she is not normal. From her pail complexion to the spells she can pull from the charter, she is no normal teenage. And when a messenger from the Old Kingdom gives Sabriel her father’s sword and bells, she knows that something has gone wrong. She must become the Abhorson to save the Abhorson (her father). In Garth Nix thrilling tale of Sabriel, she must step into her father's role and keep the dead from returning, as well as save her father from his own death. I would recommended this to everyone and more specifically to all who have an imagination out of this world, because it can be truly captured in Sabriel, by Garth Nix.
-Vanessa Hancock

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